a todos nuestros lectores, Zanji esta aqui dandoles una nueva
actualizacion de lo que sera nuestro siguiente deck que aparecera en el
TCG el 7 de Febrero de 2012 que como muchos ya saben se enfocara en
Chaos con Dragones Luz y Oscuridad.
Aqui les dejo el texto original que sera posteado en la pagina oficial de Konami en los proximos dias para mayor informacion:
"Dragons of LIGHT and DARK have put aside their differences to unite as
one unstoppable force! This Structure Deck includes powerful Dragons,
Lightsworn monsters, and some of the best DARK and LIGHT monsters, all
merged together into a Dueling juggernaut. More combinations await when
additional LIGHT Dragons are unleashed in Galactic Overlord booster
packs (coming May 2012)."
This Structure Deck Contains:
37 Common Cards
2 Ultra Rare Cards
1 Super Rare Card
1 Rulebook
1 Game Mat
1 Dueling Guide
Ademas de que ya nos estan dando mas informacion acerca de las 5 cartas que haran su debut junto a esta baraja estructurada:
Lightpulsar Dragon (Ultra Rare)
LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/6/2500/1500
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK Monster in your Graveyard. Also, you can send 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK Monster in your Hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 DARK Level 5 or higher Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.
Lightpulsar Dragon (Ultra Rare)
LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/6/2500/1500
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK Monster in your Graveyard. Also, you can send 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK Monster in your Hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 DARK Level 5 or higher Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
DARK/Dragon - Effect/5/2400/1400
You can banish 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn: You can send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand and Deck to the Graveyard; banish 1 card from either player's Graveyard.
Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
DARK/Dragon - Effect/5/2400/1400
You can banish 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn: You can send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand and Deck to the Graveyard; banish 1 card from either player's Graveyard.

Eclipse Wyvern
LIGHT\Dragon - Effect/4/1600/1000
If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT or DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Deck. Then, if this card in the Graveyard is banished: You can add the monster banished by this card's effect to your hand.
Eclipse Wyvern
LIGHT\Dragon - Effect/4/1600/1000
If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT or DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Deck. Then, if this card in the Graveyard is banished: You can add the monster banished by this card's effect to your hand.

Chaos Zone
Field Spell Card
Each time a monster(s) is banished, place 1 Chaos Counter on this card. You can remove 4 or more Chaos Counters from your side of the field; Special Summon 1 banished monster whose Level is equal to the number of Chaos Counters to your field. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: You can add 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your Deck to your hand whose Level is equal to or less than the number of Chaos Counters that this card had.
Chaos Zone
Field Spell Card
Each time a monster(s) is banished, place 1 Chaos Counter on this card. You can remove 4 or more Chaos Counters from your side of the field; Special Summon 1 banished monster whose Level is equal to the number of Chaos Counters to your field. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: You can add 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your Deck to your hand whose Level is equal to or less than the number of Chaos Counters that this card had.

Dragon Reincarnation
Trap Card
Banish 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster you control; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster (from your hand or Graveyard).
Y lo que se lleva del deck esta asi en Japon (aunque no se mencionan a los Lightsworns, probablemente sean actualizados despues, pero en la version del TCG ya estaran):
SD22-JP001 Lightpulsar Dragon ultra
SD22-JP002 Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
SD22-JP003 Eclipse Wyvern super
SD22-JP004 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
SD22-JP005 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
SD22-JP006 The White Stone of Legend
SD22-JP007 Red-Eyes B. Chick
SD22-JP008 Axe Dragonute
SD22-JP011 Prime Material Dragon
SD22-JP014 Chaos Sorcerer
SD22-JP023 Chaos Zone new
SD22-JP035 Dragon Reincarnation new
SD22-JP039 Escape from the Dark Dimension
SD22-JP0?? Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Burst Stream of Destruction
SD22-JP0?? Inferno Fire Blast
SD22-JP0?? Light of Redemption
SD22-JP0?? Vice Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Dark Armed Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Lord of D.
SD22-JP0?? A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Burst Breath
SD22-JP0?? The Flute of Summoning Dragon
Dragon Reincarnation
Trap Card
Banish 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster you control; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster (from your hand or Graveyard).
Y lo que se lleva del deck esta asi en Japon (aunque no se mencionan a los Lightsworns, probablemente sean actualizados despues, pero en la version del TCG ya estaran):
SD22-JP001 Lightpulsar Dragon ultra
SD22-JP002 Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
SD22-JP003 Eclipse Wyvern super
SD22-JP004 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
SD22-JP005 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
SD22-JP006 The White Stone of Legend
SD22-JP007 Red-Eyes B. Chick
SD22-JP008 Axe Dragonute
SD22-JP011 Prime Material Dragon
SD22-JP014 Chaos Sorcerer
SD22-JP023 Chaos Zone new
SD22-JP035 Dragon Reincarnation new
SD22-JP039 Escape from the Dark Dimension
SD22-JP0?? Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Burst Stream of Destruction
SD22-JP0?? Inferno Fire Blast
SD22-JP0?? Light of Redemption
SD22-JP0?? Vice Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Dark Armed Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Lord of D.
SD22-JP0?? A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
SD22-JP0?? Burst Breath
SD22-JP0?? The Flute of Summoning Dragon
esto se nos da a entender que la inclusion del Dark Armed Dragon en
rareza "COMUN" y la inclusion de Lightsworns en esta baraja, aunque solo
sea Gragonith que es el unico que es Dragon del arquetipo excluyendo al
Dragon del Juicio, (aqui la pregunta es que si Lyla sera reimpresa aqui
siendo la unica Lightsworn UTIL que no ha sido reimpresa por mas de 3
años) se pueda hacer una mezcla para poder jugar tambien al Judgment
Dragon y hacer otro tipo de Chaosworn o simplemente hacerlo al puro
estilo del Deck Dragon actual con el REDMD para invocar a grandes
monstruos rapidamente al campo.
Ademas de las reimpresiones del DAD, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Prime Material Dragon, REDMD y de los Lightsworns, tambien viene incluido el Chaos Sorcerer y en Japon el Black Luster Soldier EOTB sera reimpreso en la Gold Series del OCG, ¿sera acaso que la empresa le dara una segunda oportunidad el legendario deck campeon del 2004 en los tiempos modernos?, ¿los Luminosos seran de nuevo bendecidos en la ban list de Marzo 2012 como lo fue en Septiembre 2011?, aun falta algunas semanas para su lanzamiento, pero esto seguramente dara de que hablar
Ademas de las reimpresiones del DAD, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Prime Material Dragon, REDMD y de los Lightsworns, tambien viene incluido el Chaos Sorcerer y en Japon el Black Luster Soldier EOTB sera reimpreso en la Gold Series del OCG, ¿sera acaso que la empresa le dara una segunda oportunidad el legendario deck campeon del 2004 en los tiempos modernos?, ¿los Luminosos seran de nuevo bendecidos en la ban list de Marzo 2012 como lo fue en Septiembre 2011?, aun falta algunas semanas para su lanzamiento, pero esto seguramente dara de que hablar
Espero que este articulo sea de utilidad para ustedes, comentarios y sugerencias son bienvenidos.
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