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jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Top 8 Nacional de Israel

Hola a todos, su servidor Zanji les trae noticias acerca del inicio de la temporada de Campeonatos Nacionales rumbo al mundial de Yu-Gi-OH! que se realizara en verano para definir al nuevo campeón mundial antes de la Ban List de Septiembre, el primer torneo nacional se realizo en el Medio Oriente siendo el País de Israel el elegido para inaugurarla.

En este formato donde existen tres Decks poderosos llamados "los 3 grandes" siendo los Inzektor, Wind-Up y Dino Rabbit donde muchos pensaron que seria un formato tipo "Piedra-Papel-Tijera" al ser que estos 3 mazos iban a reinar plenamente en el formato, pero en los recientes YCS se ha visto que muchas personas se han resistido a lo que Konami nos quiere imponer y ver que Structure Decks como los Dark World y Chaos Dragons han podido superar a los "3 grandes", ademas de otros que no se esperaban mucho como los HERO, Six samurai y Piper Chaos en lo que se ha convertido sino en un formato diverso, en uno con bastantes posibilidades, sin mas preámbulo les dejamos los decklist del Top 8 de Israel siendo un Dino Rabbit el vencedor en un torneo donde hubo 64 competidores:

Winner: Roi D (Dino Rabbit)

Monsters: 18
Rescut Rabbit x3
Tour guide from the Underworld x3
Jurrac Guaiba x3
Kabazauls x3
Sabersaurus x3
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Sangan x1
Effect Veiler x1

Spells: 12
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Forbidden Chalice x2
Forbidden Lance x1
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x1
Pot of Avarice x1
Monster Reborn x1
Gold Sarcophagus x1
Book of Moon x1

Traps: 10
Fiendish Chain x3
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Starlight Road x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Extra Deck: 15
Evolzar Laggia x3
Evolzar Dolkka x2
Number 39: Utopia x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 17: Leviathan Drahon x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Armory Arm x1
Thought ruler Archfiend x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1

Side Deck: 15
Macro Cosmos x3
Royal Decree x3
Cyber Dragon x2
Maxx "C" x2
Effect Veiler x2
Kinetic Soldier x2
Smashing Ground x1

2nd Place: Marom DE (Wind-Up)

Monsters: 17
Wind-Up Hunter x1
Wind-Up Magician x3
Wind-Up Shark x3
Wind-Up Rat x3
Wind-Up Soldier x2
Wind-Up Rabbit x1
Tour Guide from the Underworld x3
Sangan x1

Spells: 11
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1
Pot of Avarice x1
Upstart Goblin x3
Wind-Up Factory x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Traps: 12
Fiendish Chain x3
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Starlight Road x2
Torrential Tribute x2

Extra Deck: 15
Stardust Dragon x2
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh x2
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon x1
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis x1
Number 39: Utopia x2
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity 3

Side Deck: 15
Cyber Dragon x2
Effect Veiler x2
Dimensional Fissure x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Dark Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Trap Stun x2
Dimensional Prison x3

3rd Place : Ido M (Ninja)

Monsters: 17
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1
Jurrac Guaiba x2
Jurrac Velo x1
White Dragon Ninja x1
Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo x3
Upstart Golden Ninja x2
Tour Guide from the Underworld x3
Sangan x1
Spirit Reaper x2

Spells: 10
Pot of Duality x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Heavy Storm x1
Book of Moon x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Monster Reborn x1

Traps: 14
Safe Zone x3
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation x3
Call of the Haunted x3
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2

Extra Deck: 15
Black Rose Dragon x1
Evolzar Laggia x2
Evolzar Dolkka x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1
Number 39: Utpia x2
Number C39: Utopia Ray x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Steelswarm Roach x1
Number 19: Giga-Brilliant x1
Armory Arm x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1

Side Deck: 15
D.D. Crow x2
Maxx "C" x2
Effect Veiler X2
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo x1
Karakuri Ninja MDL 339 "Sazank" x1
Spirit Reaper x1
Thunder King Rai-Oh x1
Twister x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x2

4th Place: Shahak DE (Inzektor)

Monsters: 19
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis x1
Inzektor Giga-Weevil x1
Inzektor Centipede x3
Blackweing - Zephyros the Elite x1
Mystic Tomato x3
Armageddon Knight x1
Inzektor Dragon x3
Sangan x1
Inzektor Hornet x3

Spells: 9
Pot of Duality x3
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Foolish Burial x1
Allure of Darkness x1
Monster Reborn x1
Book of Moon x1

Traps: 12
Fiendish Chain x3
Trap Stun x3
Torrential Tribute x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Mirror Force x1

Extra Deck: 15
Number 39: Utopia x1
Steelswarm Roach x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Grenosaurus x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Thought ruler Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
T.G. Hyper Librarian x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Armory Arm x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2

Side Deck: 15
Effect Veiler x3
Maxx "C" x3
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
Inzektor Giga - Mantis x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Dimensional Prison x3

5th Place: Santiago F (Dark World)

Monsters: 13
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World x3
Malefic Stardust Dragon x1
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World x3
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World x3
Beiige, Venguard of Dark World x1
Tour Guide from the Underworld x2

Allure of Darkness x1
Card Destruction x1
Dark Hole x1
Dark World Dealings x3
Dragged Down Into the Grave x3
Foolish Burial x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
The Gate of Dark World x3
Upstart Goblin x2

Deck Devastation Virus x1
Mind Crush x2
Reckless Greed x3
Solemn Judgment x1
Starlight Road x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Skill Drain x1

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Orient Dragon x1
Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Scrap Dragon x1
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1

Side Deck: 15
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Royal Decree x2
Trap Eater x2
Mirror Force x1
Gozen Match x1
Fabled Raven x1
Cyber Dragon x1
Maxx "C" x1
Morphing Jar x1
Debunk x1
Gellenduo x1

6th Place: Eden Z (Inzektor)

Monsters: 17
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Inzektor Giga - Mantis x1
Inzektor Centipede x3
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite 1
Mystic Tomato x3
Armageddon Knight x1
Inzektor Dragonfly x3
Sangan x1
Inzektor Hornet x3

Spells: 11
Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Allure of Darkness x1
Pot of Duality x3
Foolish Burial x1
Book of Moon x1

Traps: 12
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2
Call of the Haunted x3
Royal Decree x3
Torrential Tribute x2
Mirror Force x1

Extra Deck: 15
Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Armory Arm x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Evolzar Laggia x1
Evolzar Dolkka x1
Inzektor Exa-Beetle x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1

Side Deck: 15
Cyber Dragon x2
Effect Veiler x3
Jurrac Guaiba x3
Maxx "C" x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Smashing Ground x1
Gozen Match x2
Malavolent Catastrophe x1

7th Place: Guy H (Inzektor)

Monsters: 18
Inzektor Dragonfly x3
Inzektor Centipede x3
Inzektor Hornet x3
Inzektor Giga - Mantis x1
Mystic Tomato x3
Sangan x1
Armageddon Knight x1
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite x1
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Effect Veiler x1

Spells: 11
Pot of Duality x3
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
Allure of Darkness x1
Book of Moon x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Foolish Burial x1
Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber x1

Traps: 11
Royal Decree x3
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Mirror Force 1

Extra Deck: 15
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x2
Leviair the Sea Dragon x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Armory Arm x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1

Side Deck: 15
Effect Veiler x2
D.D. Crow x3
Cyber Dragon x2
Gozen Match x2
Smashing Ground x2
Malavolent Catastrophe x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dust Tornado x1

8th Place: Ben G (Wind-Up)

Monsters: 17
T.G. Warwolf 3
Wind-Up Hunter x1
Gilasaurus x3
Wind-Up Rabbit x2
Wind-Up Magician x3
Wind-Up Rat x3
Wind-Up Shark x3

Spells: 20
Upstart Goblin x3
Smashing Ground x2
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Instant Fusion x3
Wind-Up Factory x3
Nobleman of Extermination x2
Dark Hole x1
pot of Avarice x1

Traps: 3
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2

Extra Deck: 15
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity x3
Flame Swordsman x2
Dragoness the Wicked Knight x1
Flame Ghost x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Wind-UP Arsenal Zenmaioh x2
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Darkfire Dragon x1
Number 39: Utopia x1

Side Deck: 15
D.D. Crow x2
Puppet Plant x2
Heavy Slump x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Limiter Removal x1
Snowman Eater x1
Marshmallon x1
Mirror Force x1
Debunk x1
Book of Moon x1
Torrential Tribute x1

Y así tenemos los decklist de los 8 mejores competidores, espero que les sea util la información y como siempre sus comentarios y sugerencias constructivas son bienvenidas para poder ampliar o corregir el tema.

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